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ABAI has a rich history and a tradition of more than 30 years in the BPO market . During this time, we have maintained our core while at the same time aggressively investing in advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, digital humans, RPAs, and more. This combination of tradition and innovation is what makes us unique.

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The role of Digital Humans

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Fill out the form and download our E-books for free. (Portuguese language)

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​O Futuro do Comércio Eletrônico: Autosserviço e Experiência do Usuário

Neste e-book, exploramos como a digitalização transformou o comércio B2B, promovendo soluções que otimizam operações e melhoram a experiência do cliente. Focamos em como o autosserviço e interfaces de usuário aprimoradas são centrais nessa mudança.


A nova era de atendimento digital:
O papel dos Humanos Digitais


Conectando Emoções
e Engajamento no Comportamento de Compra On-line

Neste e-book exploraremos em profundidade o papel dos humanos digitais na era do cuidado digital,
o processo de criação dos mesmos,
as tecnologias que moldam a sua aparência e personalidade e como podem ajudar as empresas a melhorar o seu serviço ao cliente e otimizar seus processos de negócios e aumentar o valor da marca

Neste e-book, exploramos a transformação do marketing e da experiência do cliente por meio dos humanos digitais. Fornecemos orientações sobre a implementação de avatares, desde a definição de objetivos e o entendimento do público-alvo até o desenvolvimento de personalidades e a integração de tecnologia avançada.

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Como Copywriting,
Bots e Avatares
Transformam o B2B

Este material foi criado para ajudar empresas B2B a entender e implementar essas estratégias de forma eficaz.
Nosso objetivo é fornecer insights práticos e aplicáveis que posssam transformar
a maneira como você se comunica com
seus clientes e gerencia suas operações.

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Navigating the Clouds: A Complete Guide to Cloud Platforms

This e-book is an essential guide to mastering cloud computing, exploring benefits, security and scalability. This resource is vital for beginners and professionals alike, offering a comprehensive and practical understanding of a crucial topic in the digital age.

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Consumer Day

Explore the secrets of the smartest consumers in this exclusive eBook! Get ready for an eye-opening journey that will change your perspective on Consumer Day. Uncover strategies, insights and essential tips to master your purchases. Be ready to be surprised!


AI and UX: The Perfect Symbiosis for an Unparalleled Customer Experience

Discover the perfect symbiosis between AI and UX in our eBook. Personalization, virtual assistants and intelligent recommendations - all to create exceptional business experiences. Shape the future of customer-business relationships.

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Uncovering consumer behavior

A passport to a world where understanding consumer needs and desires is the key to success. Let's dive into the analysis of human behavior and emerge with powerful strategies to attract, convert, sell and delight.

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Successful strategies: how to boost your solutions with the consumer market

This e-book explores the importance of an experienced specialist partnership to play an essential role in building and maintaining strong, profitable relationships with your clients.


RPA: Driving Efficiency with Automation

Robotic Process Automation consists of the use of software designed to automate repetitive, rule-based tasks with a high volume of transactions, normally performed by humans.

We transform your projects
to move forward with you!

Learn about our solutions

How to attract new customers and monitor goals

How to maximize results with NLP techniques


How to automate tasks that don’t add value to the business

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